311 Universal IPA v2.2

311 Universal IPA v2.2
311 Universal IPA v2.2
311 Universal IPA v2.2
Seller: Urban Anomaly
© Urban Anomaly, LLC 2009. All rights reserved.


By the time you finish reading this description you could have reported the graffiti, potholes, broken streetlamps, or other issues to your local government. 311 Universal organizes your issue report to include photos and pinpoint GPS coordinates in the most efficient way possible. It works for any city with a 311 email address. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App.

Are you tired of skirting around that pothole on your block, staring at the graffiti in the subway or seeing that eyesore of an abandoned car parked on your street? With each passing day, you grow more annoyed and wish someone would do something about it.

Finally, you decide that someone is going to be you. You take out your iPhone, load the 311 Universal app and snap a picture of the offending problem. Right after you’ve taken the photo, you press the ‘send’ button. No need to wait for the photo to load as the app continues working in the background, even if you close 311 Universal.

Your complaint, along with GPS co-ordinates of the location, is on its way to the appropriate government office. It’s a job well done and all while you waited at the bus stop. A few days later, you get an email from the city, thanking you for making them aware of the issue and letting you know that it is being routed.

The 311 Universal app is not tailored to any specific city. Any location that has a single customer service email address works. As long as a city or municipality accepts email, your issue will reach its intended destination. If you’re unsure of whether or not a town or city has this capability, you can check out 311-friendly North American locations at www.urbananomaly.com/311.html.

311 Universal is very customer centric and user-friendly. The formatted interface lets you include information that will help the agencies respond to the issue, such as:
* Photo attachments
* GPS co-ordinates
* Link to the location
* Optional notes and contact info
* Public/private property designation
* Pinpoint function for faster way to generate an exact location and physical address

This app does not require complicated server links as 311 email is universal. That makes it one of the easiest and fastest venues for issue reporting on the market today.

With 311 Universal, you have a one-stop customer service line directly to various departments within a city and municipality. If you’ve got 60 seconds or less to spare, you can contribute to cleaning up and increasing the safety of your neighborhood or city via the appropriate offices.

Let 311 Universal be your voice to government. Buy this app now and start making the world a better place.

What's new in Version 2.2
System enhancements to photo capturing, minor bug fixes, and remote refresh of email list.

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