PlaceTrack: background Latitude updater ipa v1.6

PlaceTrack: background Latitude updater ipa v1.6

PlaceTrack is the best full-featured background updater for Google Latitude

✓ it works on older devices (3G) and older iOS (3.1.x) with background disabled

✓ battery usage is excellent: PlaceTrack uses SLC mode (Significant Location Change), NOT continuos background. PlaceTrack is suspended in the background most of the time and does not use cpu cycles
✓ it can save location history locally and can export kml files

✓ facebook/email/sms integration: you can post your location with a small map

✓ lots of configurable settings and options

✓ keeps Google Latitude up-to-date with your exact location: install the app, authenticate, enable background, quit and forget about it!
✓ check out where your contacts are (thumbnails are shown on map or list view) once you confirm each other as friends
✓ optional location history and KML export: you may export past locations by email as a KML file and see them on a Google Map or using Google Earth
✓ Facebook support: update your Facebook wall with location data, a map and an optional text
✓ battery friendly background mode: the application suspends on exit and is woken up only when you move significantly (detected using cell towers signal); most of the time it just sleeps and the GPS hardware is powered off to preserve battery
✓ automatic relaunch: if the application gets killed for whatever reason (eg, after a power cycle) and background mode was enabled, the application is automatically relaunched in the background on the first location change event
✓ location by email: send your current postal mail address along with gps coordinates and a small street map and a "directions" link. If your receipient uses an iPhone, the "directions" link launches the Maps application (on desktops it opens the Google maps website with your current coordinates)
✓ fake location support: you can disable GPS usage completely and input a fake place name to be used as your location. When you enter a fake location, background mode is temporarily disabled.
✓ uses the new iOS4.0 multitasking features on supported phone models (3GS and up)
✓ security: your Google credentials are securely transmitted from your iPhone directly to Google and never sent to our or any third party servers
✓ a settings page lets you tune most configurable parameters (gps accuracy, timeouts, local notifications, etc.)
✓ your current location (address and gps coordinates) with altitude and speed (if available) are always displayed on the application main screen and included in Facebook status updates
✓ the application may send local notification on particular events (location changes, network failures, authentication errors): you can set a notification threshold for the error severity level or turn off notifications completely

PlaceTrack is not affiliated with Google Inc.

What's new in Version 1.6
✓fixed the "network error, check connectivity" bug
✓iOS5 compatibility

Seller: Nico Tranquilli
© 2010 Nico Tranquilli
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

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